Smile Design


Smile design/smile makeover is the process the dentist goes through to plan and visualize a patient’s desired smile.

patient visiting dentist

Eventually simply correcting some of the teeth imperfections that you might feel self-conscious about.


The goal of an esthetic makeover/smile makeover ,commences with development of a peaceful and stable masticatory system, where the teeth, tissues, muscles, skeletal structures and joints all function in harmony.

Popular treatments in smile correction/ cosmetic dentistry?

happy client
  • Composite bonding: Tooth-colored composite for restoring and repairing your teeth.
  • Teeth whitening:  this involves using a bleaching agent to whiten the inner and outer layers of a patients teeth.
  • Veneers: thin, tooth-shaped shells cover the front of a tooth.
  • Crowns: tooth-like covers enclose a damaged, discolored, weakened or disfigured tooth.
  • Implants: these replace lost teeth and their roots.
  • Dentures: these are artificial teeth and a framework that rests on the gums.
  • Bridges: Clearly bridges used to close gaps between your teeth.
  • Orthodontic treatment like braces and clear aligners: these can straighten crooked or maligned teeth.
  • Gum reduction: these can help fix a gummy smile.

From this point smile makeover is the process of improving or enhancing the appearance of the smile through one or more cosmetic dental procedures.

              These are some of the factors such as tooth color, width, shape, length, and tooth display, gum tissues and lips along with the alignment of the teeth considers the type of smile makeover you’ll need. Hereafter smile makeovers are performing ,customizing according to your considerations.


      A wellshaped smile comprised of bright, white teeth lends to a youthful appearance. Tooth color is a very important factor of your smile. A brighter smile according to your face can lift your mood as well as your confidence. As a result teeth whitening lightens teeth and removes stains and discoloration. The shade selected by the dentists for teeth whitening and dental veneers is carefully evaluated with special consideration of your skin tone, face and hair. Laser teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dental procedure done to have you a celebrity smile makeover/Hollywood smile.

Smile Design to show the patient

    The length of your teeth can affect how our smile look. Long teeth lend a youthful appearance. For shorter teeth, the treatment would may include reshaping and lengthening of the crown by composite bonding or dental laminates also called as dental veneers.

Dental veneers:

      Furthermore dental veneers (sometimes called porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates) are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. These shells are bonding to the front of your teeth changing their color, shape, size, or length.

     Types of dental veneers:-

            Dental veneers made from porcelain or from resin composite materials. Porcelain veneers resist stains better than resin veneers. They also better mimic the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth.

     What types of problems do dental veneers fix?
Teeth veneer photos
  1. Teeth discolored because of :-
    1. Root canal treatment.
    1. Stain from tetracycline or other drugs.
    1. Excessive fluoride.
    1. Large resin fillings.
  2. Worn teeth
  3. Chipped or broken teeth.
  4. Teeth that are misaligned, uneven, or irregularly shaped.
  5. Teeth with gaps.

      One or more missing teeth can negatively affect the appearance of your smile as well as your bite- making replacement an integral part of oral health and facial esthetics. The best way to replace the missing is by dental implants and crowns. Thus it can give you a natural happy smile.


     Invisible braces/ clear aligners are used certainly for straightening or aligning, If your teeth are crooked, overlapped have gaps in between the teeth.

    Dental braces: Dental braces for smile designing includes appliances which are used to align or straighten the teeth and guide the teeth to the corrected position. They are made up of wires, brackets, and bands. Braces aid to correction, therefore improvement in chewing and smile aesthetics.

    Clear aligner/invisible braces: Just like braces, For instance, clear aligners, transparent trays made of special material for straightening your teeth . They use gentle and constant force to move the teeth in the required position without going through the hassles of metal wires and brackets. Customized for you through a digital scan.

Clear aligner placement


     If teeth are uneven, chipped or cracked it can be cosmetically bonded for an improved appearance with the help of dental composites. Having a gummy smile which means your gums are more visible when you smile it can be re-contoured with the help of laser dentistry to improve the overall look of your happy smile. If most of your teeth are broken, attrited, missing with incorrect bite it can be treated with a combination of treatment such as dental veneers, crowns and bridges, dental implants, correction of bite, this combined treatment plan is called as full mouth rehabilitation.


Indeed Harmonizing an esthetic smile requires a perfect integration of facial composition and dental composition. The facial composition includes the hard and soft tissues of the face. The dental composition relates more specifically to teeth and their relationship to gingival tissues. A smile design should always include the evaluation and analysis of both facial and dental composition.

What are the benefits of smile designing?
  • Removes stain from your teeth.
  • Hide gaps between your teeth.
  • Can fix a variety of teeth alignment issues.
  • Can be used to hide dental problems the patient is dealing with.
  • Able to improve your self-esteem and confidence.
  • Makes you appear younger.
  • It gives patient extra motivation to take proper care of their teeth.
  • It can prevent the formation of wrinkles and other signs of aging.